28. November 2022
Back to 2018- AEW Sammy Guevarawas beaten by WWE Lacey Evans and that was surprised.
Lacey Evans was his opponent in the tryout and she absolutely dominated him. Guevara appeared on Lacey’s talk show “Straight Fire” back in 2018, where Lacey showed a clip of their tryout match and it certainly looked as if Lacey had Sammy completely outmatched. Lacey was able to counter his moves and was in complete control.
Guevara still has a great deal of respect for Lacey, even though she soundly defeated him during the tryout match. Guevara noted Lacey as one of the “toughest women” he’s ever faced and says he’s learned a lot from Lacey and the other wrestlers he’s faced in WWE.
Though Lacey Evans was victorious over Sammy Guevara during their tryout match, he has since gone on to become one of AEW’s biggest stars. Lacey Evans is also doing quite well for herself in WWE and has become one of the company’s most popular female wrestlers.
Lacey and Sammy have no doubt had some great matches since their tryout match, though their first battle was certainly unexpected and one that Lacey dominated in a big way. It was definitely a surprise to see Lacey Evans defeat Sammy Guevara back in 2018. However, Lacey certainly proved her wrestling ability in the process.
Despite Lacey’s victory, Sammy Guevara has gone on to reach a great deal of success in AEW and Lacey Evans continues to climb the ranks in WWE. It looks likely that we will see these two wrestlers meet in the ring again in the future, and it will surely be a match to remember.
Lacey Evans soundly defeated Sammy Guevara back in 2018, but now we can look forward to what is sure to be an exciting encounter between these two talented wrestlers.