Mikaela Mayer insists on three-minute rounds.


Mikaela Mayer, an Olympic-level boxer and the current WBA champion, is fighting to have the rules changed. She insists that female fighters should be given the same amount of time in their rounds as male fighters, giving them three minutes instead of two.

Mikaela believes that this would give female fighters more opportunity to go the distance, and to showcase their skills in longer fights. Mikaela Mayer, the current WBA and WBO women’s junior lightweight champion, is one of the main advocates for increasing the round duration.

Mikaela insists that all male and female boxing matches should have three-minute rounds. She has made it her mission to fight for advancements in women’s boxing and to ensure that female athletes have the same opportunities as male athletes.

Mikaela believes that three-minute rounds are fairer and will allow female boxers to show their full potential. Mikaela is determined to make this change, so that all women’s boxing matches are on a level playing field with men’s boxing.

Mikaela is hopeful that the three-minute rounds will become the norm for all female boxer’s matches. Mikaela’s vision of fair and equal opportunities for women in boxing will help create positive change in the sport and hopefully bring more attention to female athletes.

She believes that this could be a game-changer for female boxing, giving females the same opportunities as males in professional boxing. Mikaela’s fight will go on until the rule changes are implemented. It’s a battle she is determined to win. Mikaela’s fight for equality in the sport of boxing will hopefully lead to greater recognition and respect for female boxers.

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